Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Portraits with Nikon 85mm 1.4

Okay... I'm getting a little carried away, but I figured that I needed to get some things up on the blog here so it would be worth your while visiting.

Here are three images that I did testing my new lens, my Nikon 85mm 1.4 lens. Luckily for me, my studio is in the same building as The Talent Group modeling agency, so whenever I need to models to test with, I just give a call down stairs and ask for a specific type of model and wa-la, they appear... Of course, I have to give the models a few images, but it's a good deal for me and a good deal for the models too.

These three gentleman were chosen for their unique looks. I wanted models that I thought would match the effect I was attempting to create. Maybe hot young models would look good with this special effect, maybe they wouldn't, I won't know until I try, but I figured that older / interesting guys would work out, and they did.

So what do you think? Check out that depth of field. That is tight! It's real easy to miss, so if you end up getting this lens, you have to be really careful of what you're doing. I thought that maybe I'd take these images around to show some agencies an effect that they might want to use on some project in the near future.

Comments welcome...


  1. I do like the moody light in here and the second portrait is my fave. He seems so relaxed and not too much being so posy, but he looks like that he's wondering if you've got him. And you did :) Thanks for the news, Michael!

  2. Thanks. I actually wasn't paying too much attention to the emotion of the thing. I was experimenting with the light, camera and posing. I realized that the lens is too short to include the hands in the photos. I attempted this several times and every time the hands looked huge. The distance from the camera to the subject is only a couple of feet. The closer the object, the bigger the object.

  3. Hi Michael.
    Absolutely lovely portraits. I am using the 80-200 f/2.8 at the moment but after seeing these photos I am seriously thinking about getting the 85mm. Where these photos shot at f/1.4?

  4. Yes, all were shot wide open. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever uses this lens NOT wide open. If I'm not using it for its focus effect, I much prefer to work with a zoom.

  5. Excellent portraits because they look so good and mysterious, actually I'd like to get one of those portraits in order to put it in my wall.
